- Over $200 Million Sold!!
- Five Star Real Estate Agent award winner 4 Years in a Row
- Best of Zillow Premier Agent
- Buyers & Sellers
- New Construction
- Areas of Focus: All Areas in the Greater Pittsburgh Area and Beyond
- Also licensed in Florida
- Full-time Realtor® for over 20 years
- Over $200 Million in Career Sales
- Local Expertise- Born and raised in Pittsburgh — in-depth knowledge of local communities, neighborhoods
- Extensive experience in renovating, remodeling— for investment, flip, or personal home
- Over 30 years of sales experience
- Marketing & Advertising Specialist
- Vast network of expert professionals for inspections, warranties, repairs, lending, etc.
Although Michele has been licensed for over 20 years, her life in the real estate industry started long before then. As a teenager still in high school, Michele began working with her family renovating homes used for rental properties. Early in her career, she began flipping homes long before “Fixer Upper” or “Flip or Flop” became HGTV hits.