Michael Borodinsky Personalizes Client Solutions on a Local Level
from NJBiz Business Profiles 2018
A nationally recognized mortgage industry professional and a top producting home loan officer at Caliber Home Loans, Michael Borodinsky has funded more than $4 billion in residential mortgage loans to more than 12,000 customers over the course of his 35 year career.
"My focus has been singular in that I'm focusing on home buyers and homeowners seeking mortgage loans for existing and new properties," Borodinsky says. "That's the only thing I've done since my career commenced back in 1983, straight out of college."
The lifelong New Jersey resident's expertise and industry knowledge have uniquely positioned him as a valued resource throughtout the housing and finance community. He's seen New Jersye go through multiple economic cycles over the course of his career.
He's witnessed the stock market waver in the late 80s, 90s and early 2000s, often followed by the housing and banking crises as loans were either too heavily regulated or given out to unqualified borrowers and became inslovent-the S&L crises, the dot-com crash, 9/11, the Great Recession, and so on.
"Through it all, we've seen interest rates go up: we've seen housing accelerate; we've seen housing contract," he says. "Here we are in 2018, and now the industry itself is facing a major shift, not so much by regulations but by evolving technolgy. We embrace the use of technology through Caliber's Ulitmate Homebuying Experience, a digital mortgage platform that streamlines the process by reducing or eliminating the collection of supporting documentation." Borodinsky refers to this as "high-touch combined with high-tech."
Given the changing landscape, Caliber's local branches offer borrowers professionals like Borodinsky who have local expertise.
"They have the choice to deal with a local loan officer, someone like myself, or to visit a local loan office and have real, live conversations with specialists who actually address their specific circumstances and, most of all, address their concerns," Borodinsky says. "They have the benefit of someone like myelf who has knowlege of local attorneys, local rfeal estate agents, local market trends, local appraisers...Through that, I've developed a very loyal base of customers, many of whom continue to use me for theri second, third or fourth time, or they refer their children or grandshildren or friends and family to me."
Borodinsky has spoken at a wealth of housing seminars, has been featured in various idusstry-related articles in the New York Times, the Star Ledger and National Public Radio. He's served as a weekly blogger for the News Funnel, one of the largest online housing and financail industry digests, and he runs a podcast series on housing and finance market news and trends. He volunteers his time in support of the housing industry. Her currently serves as an executive officer at the New Jersey Builders Association.
As a result of his hard work and commitment to clients, he has been ranked amongst the top 1 percent of originating loan officers nationawide for the past 20 years. He's been named to the Mortgage Profesisonal America's perstigious "Hot 100" industry leaders on 2018 and he was honored by the National Mortgage Professional America's prestigious "50 Most Connected Mortgage Leaders" in 2017.