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RECENT PUBLICATION - Long-Term Investing & A 2022 Mid-year Market Perspective

The Art of Long-Term Investing

Do these concerns sound familiar?

·       “The economy is slowing!”

·       “We may be entering into a global recession!”

·       “What if there is another global crisis?”

·       “The stock market might crash!”

·       “Is the market too volatile for investors like me?”

·       “What if inflation never goes away?”

·       “When will there be another correction?”

·       “What is the best time to enter the stock market?”

If thoughts like these weigh on your mind, then you are not alone. However, over the next six months, you must keep in mind that difficult periods in the economy can create the best opportunities for investments.  Financial markets are, by nature, surrounded by unknows.  That creates fear around investing, especially because the financial security is integral to our well-being.  Investor emotions not only can be hazardous to your financial health, they also feed market volatility.


What does it meant to be a long-term investor and how can my advisory team help?

The growing knowledge of Behavioral Finance defines the many biases that affect our ability to make good investment decisions when self-investing.  These biases include:

  • Anchoring, or becoming attached to preconceived notions.
  • Recency Bias in which you favor recent news or performance over the bigger picture.
  • Confirmation Bias meaning you take information that reinforces your preconceived notions more seriously than data that contradicts it.
  • Loss Aversion which indicates that as an investor you are twice as sensitive to losses as you are to gains.  This is one the most harmful emotions that negatively affects individual investors.

A good advisory team will offer attentive oversight of your investment portfolio with a disciplined strategy, including focusing on long-term goals while adjusting to macro market conditions and changing needs.  A great team of advisors will help you become a long-term investor by preventing you from making the most common psycho-emotional errors.  A great team, one that will have he most impact on you and the lives of your family, will help you stay focused on overall goals and objectives.

At this particular time, perhaps some adjustments in your portfolio are in order.  For example, based on your time horizon and potential income needs, you might think about re-balancing over the next several quarters.   Of course, it is essential to keep tax considerations in mind as you rebalance to maintain targeted asset allocations.


To address your long-term goals, you need an asset class that will keep up with or exceed taxes and inflation to fund objectives that could include retirement income, philanthropy, or legacy plans.  To do this effectively, one cannot abandon equities.  The key is to have realistic expectations for the performance of your assets and to work with your advisor on a comprehensive financial plan that includes adequate insurance, estate planning, tax strategy and cash flow analysis.


Be a long-term investor

In times of uncertainty, it is most essential to have a plan, and especially, to stick with that plan.  Many individuals who self-direct their portfolios make the mistake of selling when asset prices are depressed and buying when asset prices are soaring. A good financial advisor can help you set a portfolio that matches your risk parameters at the outset, and then stick with that plan through the difficult times. It is impossible to predict the future, therefore impossible to call market tops and bottoms.  Therefore the key is to develop the right asset allocation for you and stick with it.  This is where a good financial advisor can deliver substantial value to any investor.  Use this time-tested approach to maintain calm and consistency amid market change and complexity.  This will allow you to move beyond short term emotional constraints and help you focus on the quality of your life supported by your growing financial assets.


Possible Action Steps

Meet with your financial advisor to review your goals, objectives and plans.  Consider possible rebalancing or other adjustments, especially if your objectives and time horizon have changed.  For example, if you are nearing retirement or have other needs for drawing upon your savings in the next couple of years, consider dialing up your fixed income allocation.  If you are in a high tax bracket, the best quality municipal bonds will always provide a measure of certainty in any portfolio while providing tax efficiency.  A few other steps to consider:

  • Ask your financial advisor to run cash flow scenarios to estimate the potential retirement income versus spending objectives.
  • Review your most recent tax return with your Financial Advisor and CPA to explore potential tax reduction strategies.  If you are self-employed, have you considered a Cash Banace Defined Benefit Plan?
  • Discuss whether you are adequately insured against unexpected loss of income, health, life, assets or potential unfunded estate tax liability.


Everyone has questions about money … what are yours?  Let’s have a conversation.


Benn Feltheimer, CRPC® 

Managing Partner 

Feltheimer Cohn & Associates 

53 W. Jackson Blvd.  Suite 556 

Chicago, Illinois 60604 

Phone:  312 663 5001 

Fax:  312 663 5009 

This award was issued on 10/1/23 by Five Star Professional (FSP) for the time period 1/9/23 through 7/31/23. Fee paid for use of marketing materials. Self-completed questionnaire was used for rating. This rating is not related to the quality of the investment advice and based solely on the disclosed criteria. 5,549 Chicago-area wealth managers were considered for the award; 405 (7% of candidates) were named 2023 Five Star Wealth Managers. The following prior year statistics use this format: YEAR: # Considered, # Winners, % of candidates, Issued Date, Research Period. 2022: 4912, 384, 8%, 10/1/22, 1/24/22 - 7/29/22; 2021: 5635, 386, 7%, 10/1/21, 12/28/20 - 8/6/21; 2020: 4636, 356, 8%, 10/1/20, 1/6/20 - 8/7/20; 2019: 5430, 429, 8%, 10/1/19, 1/7/19 - 8/9/19; 2018: 5449, 435, 8%, 10/1/18, 1/12/18 - 8/17/18; 2017: 3781, 438, 12%, 10/1/17, 12/16/16 - 8/3/17; 2016: 3411, 726, 22%, 9/1/16, 2/26/16 - 8/19/16; 2015: 5833, 716, 12%, 10/1/15, 2/4/15 - 8/3/15; 2014: 8161, 744, 9%, 10/1/14, 2/4/13 - 8/3/13; 2013: 3998, 772, 19%, 10/1/13, 2/4/12 - 8/3/12; 2012: 2970, 780, 26%, 10/1/12, 2/4/11 - 8/3/11.
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AS INDEPENDENT ADVISORS, we offer advice based solely on what is best for you.  Our clients choose from an unlimited universe of investments and services, free from proprietary or product pressures, revenue requirements or conflicts of interest.

At Feltheimer Cohn & Associates, our most deeply held principle is that clients come first.  This requires transparency and education. We work to ensure that clients understand fee structure, processes and portfolio policies.  Over time, we develop a level of understanding that enables informed choices about your financial security, tax structure and estate and legacy planning.  With over 60 years of combined background in financial advisory services, our managing partners draw from a complete portfolio of capabilities to provide you with a customized investment program. 

OUR MISSION is to exceed our client's expectations in all areas of wealth management, planning and strategy.  This includes:

Ongoing communication
Portfolio management        
Preparation of investment policy statements
Long-term financial needs analysis
Coordination with CPAs, attorneys and succession planning specialists to help maximize opportunities and manage risk and tax liability

*Winners appearing on this page do not pay a fee to be considered or to win the Five Star Award. Professionals with a digital profile have paid a promotional fee.
Wealth managers do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Five Star Wealth Managers. The award is based on 10 objective criteria. Eligibility criteria-required: 1. Credentialed as a registered investment adviser (RIA) or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. Actively licensed as a RIA or as a principal of a registered investment adviser firm for a minimum of 5 years; 3. Favorable regulatory and complaint history review (As defined by FSP, the wealth manager has not; A. Been subject to a regulatory action that resulted in a license being suspended or revoked, or payment of a fine; B. Had more than a total of three settled or pending complaints filed against them and/or a total of five settled, pending, dismissed or denied complaints with any regulatory authority or FSP's consumer complaint process. Unfavorable feedback may have been discovered through a check of complaints registered with a regulatory authority or complaints registered through FSP's consumer complaint process; feedback may not be representative of any one client's experience; C. Individually contributed to a financial settlement of a customer complaint; D. Filed for personal bankruptcy within the past 11 years; E. Been terminated from a financial services firm within the past 11 years; F. Been convicted of a felony); 4. Fulfilled their firm review based on internal standards; 5. Accepting new clients. Evaluation criteria-considered: 6. One-year client retention rate; 7. Five-year client retention rate; 8. Non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered; 9. Number of client households served; 10. Education and professional designations. FSP does not evaluate quality of services provided to clients. The award is not indicative of the wealth manager's future performance . Wealth Managers may or may not use discretion in their practice and therefore may not manage their clients' assets. The inclusion of a wealth manager on the Five Star Wealth Manager list should not be construed as an endorsement of the wealth manager by FSP or this publication. Working with a Five Star Wealth Manager or any wealth manager is no guarantee as to future investment success, nor is there any guarantee that the selected wealth managers will be awarded this accomplishment by FSP in the future. Visit